Wednesday, May 18, 2011

First Posting - Test Posting

So this is my first venture into the world of blogging..... Actually I guess maybe I do have a little experience writing with Concert Confessions and that is pretty much just a blog. But this is the first time I have actually started a blog that will consist of more than just reviews.

Expectations for this blog should include many music related postings, especially live music reviews or album reviews, maybe just a random thought or two. There is a good chance it will borrow some pop culture references as I am a nerd for that, and I may just post some random funny shit every now and again.

So I guess I dont know what this is going to become yet. I do know that I plan on using this to keep record of my concert reviews and what not that I have been compiling for the past year or so for InsideSTL and Concert Confessions. That has been a great opportunity, and though it hasn't paid me anything, I have met some great people and gotten hooked up for many shows over the past year. Plus it has helped me find my love for writing again.

Writing was a big hobby of mine throughout high school and shortly after, but about the time I first moved out on my own I stopped. That was a bad time to stop as I experienced more from 19-25 than I have throughout most of my life and I wish I had a better record of such events. But then again, maybe its a good thing I didn't document that period. 

So there it is, what is pretty much just my first post to figure this thing out.  I now plan on playing around with the layout and whatnot, and then maybe someone will actually want to read what i have to say. Probably not.......

And now one of my favorite videos at this time....

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